Who can become a member?
The Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE) welcomes those whose objectives include the Advancement of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Eduation (MSTE) in Southern Africa.
All applications are subject to approval by the executive committee.
- Free access to the official SAARMSTE accredited academic journal, the African Journal for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (AJRMSTE).
- Free access to back dated and current issues of AJRMSTE of which there are three issues per year.
- Participation in Research Writing Clinics, (generally held after each Annual SAARMSTE Conference), facilitated by the AJRMSTE Chief Editor, and Editorial team.
- Participation in the RCBC Annual Research School, to strengthen and facilitate the progress and writing skills of doctoral/post-doctoral scholars engaged in research.
- Membership within a SAARMSTE Chapter.
- Discounted registration fee to attend and/or participate in SAARMSTE Annual Conference.
- Discounted registration fee to participate in the RCBC Annual Research School
- Networking opportunities with a wide range of researchers, practitioners and policy-makers in MSTE within Southern Africa.
Membership Categories
Regular Member
Persons eligible for membership of SAARMSTE, who do not fall into any other category of membership
Student Member
Persons registered as fulltime or part time post graduate scholars at institutions of higher learning
Membership Fees
Individual full member (one year) ZAR550 p.a.
Registered student member (one year) ZAR412.50 p.a.
Individual full member (two years) ZAR1100
Individual full member (three years) ZAR1650
Membership for those over 60 No Charge