- Fees for conference attendees are automatically deducted from the registration fee of the year in which the delegate attends the SAARMSTE Conference.
- Non-conference attendees fee and/or renewals are due by end January of each year.
- Note: Fully paid up members automatically gain free on-line access to the SAARMSTE Journal, i.e. AJRMSTE
- Should a member wish to pay for four years membership at one time, the charge for all four years is set at the charge of the individual fee of that year.
The Association charges an annual fee for every existing and new members for the purposes of retaining membership to provide: the SAARMSTE Journal, (i.e. AJRMSTE) and to maintain a data base that enables members to be informed of all events, e.g. annual conferences, annual research schools, chapter events (e.g. colloquium, workshops etc), as with writing clinics and any other ad hoc events that may take place through the year.